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How is a Data Security Platform Different From Data Security Posture Management?

The need to secure data is now one of the top—if not the top—concerns for enterprises. But how do you secure critical business, customer, and regulated data if you don’t know where it is, especially when digital transformation often means your data resides in various corners of the cloud?

Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) is a vital component in the broader context of data security management, helping businesses gain insight into the location and characteristics of their data. It assists in building a comprehensive plan that covers on-premise data and cloud environments, improving total security posture across the organization.

DSPM is a singular yet versatile tool that focuses on visibility and assessment. A data security platform takes it a step further, identifying and evaluating the security posture while also implementing protective measures across different environments. What is Data Security Posture Management?

Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) serves as a cybersecurity guardian, highlighting potential vulnerabilities in an organization’s data management system. A vigilant detective, it tirelessly scans through volumes of data, seeking out weak spots that could be exploited. It doesn’t prevent future problems, but it does shine a bright light on existing issues that need immediate attention.

DSPM is an assessment tool that meticulously examines who has access to what data, performing what could be called “security audits,” checking to see if the right people have the correct level of access to sensitive information. For instance, it might flag certain employees as having access to confidential files that aren’t relevant to their roles. Or it could learn that some sensitive data is mistakenly available to everyone in the company. These crucial insights highlight flaws in an organization’s current data management practices, pointing out areas where data could be at risk.

It’s important to keep in mind that DSPM doesn’t directly solve data issues. For that, you need to work with a data security posture management vendor offering specialized services and solutions that go beyond mere identification. These vendors help organizations find data vulnerabilities and strategize and implement measures that mitigate the associated risks. By partnering with such a vendor, an organization can transform DSPM insights into actionable steps, reinforcing their data security framework and ensuring a more resilient defense against potential data breaches.

What is a Data Security Platform?

A data security platform solves the complexity of data protection, serving as a knight in digital armor. It goes beyond identifying and assessing data vulnerabilities, offering a dynamic solution that spots potential threats and actively works to protect sensitive data. Velotix is such a digital protector, helping organizations navigate the labyrinth of data protection with ease. It integrates various security measures and tools to create a unified defense system against data breaches and leaks.

A cloud-based data security platform simplifies the safeguarding of data and streamlines the process of protecting it across different cloud environments. Think of it as a command center where all your data defense tools and strategies are coordinated and managed. This holistic approach ensures data remains secure while also quickly adapting to emerging cyber threats, striking a perfect balance between protection and functionality.

Benefits of a Data Security Platform

Organizations today face an uphill climb when it comes to protecting their “digital gold.” Simple human errors like leaving sensitive customer information unprotected or unknowingly sharing confidential files on a public network are far too common and highlight just how complex data protection can be.

Velotix is a robust data  security platform offering a multitude of benefits that empower your organization to operate securely and efficiently. Here are just five benefits you’ll enjoy when choosing a DSP over a DSPM:

  1. Enhanced security. With its advanced security technologies, a data security platform provides superior defense against data breaches, ensuring sensitive information is safeguarded from unauthorized access.
  2. Compliance assurance. Your organization is better equipped to stay compliant with various data protection regulations, including GDPR, HIPAA, CCPA, and other standards, reducing the risk of costly fines, penalties, or reputational damage.
  3. Streamlined data management. Data security platforms feature tools for efficient data management, making it easier to store, access, and manage data across various cloud environments.
  4. Reduced operational costs. The automation of key security processes and centralized data management cuts down on the resources and time spent on data security, leading to significant cost savings.5. Improved risk management. Real-time monitoring and predictive analytics enable proactive risk management, identifying potential threats before they become major issues, thus enhancing your organization’s overall data security posture.


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