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Automate Policy Compliance


Set Policies Once. Update Everywhere.

Your data exists in many forms and sizes, both structured and unstructured. When using a patchwork of siloed security tools, it becomes nearly impossible to apply your privacy policies across each technology effectively without doubling your manual work. Unify your data security efforts by shifting to one data security platform that automates policy compliance for you.

Centralize Data Policies

Velotix discovers and unifies your data protection policies in one place. By automatically building, maintaining, and enforcing your policy database across structured and unstructured databases, you’ll reduce the risk of breaches, enhance compliance, and update permissions effectively.

Connect & Update Technology Automatically

Being technology agnostic, once you integrate your existing tech stack, Velotix automatically applies your policies to each database, eliminating repetitive manual work.

Discover Connected Data

Velotix consumes metadata from any connected database (structured or unstructured) to map out any sensitive data. With the flexibility to add custom auto-tags, you can identify proprietary data, which strengthens your policy rules and increases your data security.

Apply Policies to New Data

Every time new data or files are added, Velotix will automatically apply your policy rules to keep your information secure and policy-compliant.

Book Your Free Demo

See how Velotix can help you gain control of your data security and compliance.


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