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Can Collibra Be Integrated With a Data Security Platform?

As organizations grow, the data they collect grows, too. Proper data management enables scalability and ensures data systems can handle increased volumes without sacrificing performance, quality, or security. With over 80% of users saying the potential risks from companies collecting their data outweigh the benefits, data privacy risk management is a priority for every company. Robust data management supports business expansion, plays a critical role in maintaining customer trust, and helps organizations adhere to stringent data protection regulations.

Enterprises that handle sensitive client, customer, and employee data must protect and use it responsibly to mitigate damages like noncompliance penalties and personal data breaches. A proactive data risk management and cybersecurity strategy is vital to securing stakeholder data and building brand trust. One way companies are improving their data asset understanding and management is by investing in Collibra’s data governance platform to create an inventory of their data assets, capture information or metadata about them, and govern them. It’s an effective tool that helps them understand what data assets exist, what they’re made of, how they’re being used, and if they’re compliant.

Integration of Velotix With Collibra For Enhanced Data Management

Velotix supports an organization’s investment in Collibra with a seamless integration that uses the platform’s valuable tagging and metadata. It helps streamline the data management process, efficiently organizing and interpreting data assets. The synergy between Velotix and Collibra ensures data is accurately categorized and easily accessible for various operational and analytical purposes. Using Collibra’s robust data intelligence cloud capabilities, it facilitates a more cohesive and intelligent approach to data management that’s tailored to meet your organization’s specific needs and goals, leading to more informed decision-making and optimized business processes.

Policy Definition and Management With Collibra Data Privacy and Velotix

Collibra is designed to help organizations easily define policies related to data quality, access, and privacy. Velotix complements the process by effectively enforcing and managing related policies. The joint effort ensures the guidelines set for data handling in Collibra are implemented and adhered to within the operational framework provided by Velotix. As a result, companies can maintain high data quality and integrity standards while ensuring compliance with privacy regulations. With Collibra’s policy-setting capabilities and Velotix’s enforcement mechanisms, you’re provided with a comprehensive solution for managing data assets responsibly and securely.

Leveraging Investment in Collibra For Automated Policy Maintenance

Velotix’s automated policies, when used in conjunction with tagging and other metadata imported from Collibra, make it possible to maximize existing investments in cataloging and tagging data assets. The integration of the two platforms allows for a more efficient use of Collibra’s features, as the information already gathered and organized in the software is directly applied to enhance data governance and management processes in Velotix. This “teamwork” streamlines operations and ensures the data intelligence cloud capabilities of Collibra are fully exploited, with organizations leveraging their Collibra investment to achieve more advanced, automated, and effective data management and governance.


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